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Job Searching by Recent Graduates

As a recent graduate entering the job market upon completion of a BS Degree in the Geo-Sciences, focused in Environmental Science and GIS, I have come across something that I have found to be disheartening to say the least.

During my recent job searches to find employment in my degree field, I have encountered one clearly re-occurring theme. Nearly every single entry-level position that is available, requires not only a degree in that particular field, but also requires three or more years on the job experience as well. Therein lies a major problem for recent college graduates, especially those who went straight to college out of high school.

When entry level positions, where recent graduates can gain experience, require three or more years of on the job experience to begin with, where does one gain said experience. Where do college students turn to gain the essential experience needed in a job in order to even be considered for a job at the lowest rung of the ladder so to speak.

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